Posted by: Rebecca Whitham, Communications
You can call the meerkats cute, you can call them curious—and soon, you can call them by the names that you give them. We’re kicking off a meerkat naming contest today and the mob got in on the fun by “casting” the first votes (which mostly involved them exploring and playing with a ballot box!).
Now it’s your turn. Our “Name the Meerkats” contest, sponsored by U.S. Bank and The Seattle Times, starts today with an awesome grand prize of a trip for four to San Diego!
We have selected 16 names that reflect the meerkats’ native southern African habitat and now it is your turn to cast your vote for up to eight of your favorites. Just pick up your ballot at any participating U.S. Bank location, in The Seattle Times, on zoo grounds, or on our contest website and drop it off at any participating U.S. Bank now through June 15 to enter to win*. The eight highest vote getters from the following choices will become the new names for our four male and four female meerkat mob members:
KALAHARI (African desert)
KGALA (“great thirst” in Tswana)
ACACIA (African tree)
KIWANO (Kalahari fruit)
NOSSOB (southern African river)
BAOBAB (African plains tree)
ARANOS (Namibian town)
MOLOPO (southern African river)
GOCHAS (Namibian settlement)
GHANZI (town in Botswana)
ZIMBA (Zambian town)
ERONGO (Namibian mountain)
DINAWA (“beans” in Tswana)
NATA (southern African river)
KURUMAN (southern African river)
NGAMI (lake in Botswana)
We’ll announce the eight most voted meerkat names and prize winners on July 1 at Red, White & Zoo when meerkats will enjoy a special watermelon treat as part of our annual Independence Day-themed enrichment event. Happy voting!
*Get the full details on contest rules and eligibility.
Photos by Ryan Hawk/Woodland Park Zoo.
You can call the meerkats cute, you can call them curious—and soon, you can call them by the names that you give them. We’re kicking off a meerkat naming contest today and the mob got in on the fun by “casting” the first votes (which mostly involved them exploring and playing with a ballot box!).

KALAHARI (African desert)
KGALA (“great thirst” in Tswana)
ACACIA (African tree)
KIWANO (Kalahari fruit)
NOSSOB (southern African river)
BAOBAB (African plains tree)
ARANOS (Namibian town)
MOLOPO (southern African river)
GOCHAS (Namibian settlement)
GHANZI (town in Botswana)
ZIMBA (Zambian town)
ERONGO (Namibian mountain)
DINAWA (“beans” in Tswana)
NATA (southern African river)
KURUMAN (southern African river)
NGAMI (lake in Botswana)

*Get the full details on contest rules and eligibility.
Photos by Ryan Hawk/Woodland Park Zoo.
The smallest one should be Acacia. BTW are these the new ones? Are these babies? I was there a little bit ago and heard nothing about new meerkats...
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