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Showing posts from February, 2023

A catch-up with the three (Visayan) pigs

Posted by Elizabeth Bacher, Communications Visayan warty pigs are a critically endangered species native to several islands in the Philippines. Photo: Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren Let’s check in with some of our favorites in the Trail of Vines—the Visayan warty pigs. There have been some changes afoot for our resident rooters as well as for their species in the wild. You may remember we spotlighted our three pigs back in 201 8. They are Guapa (AKA Kulay) who will be 20 years old in April and her two daughters Bulak (AKA Scallops) and Magdula (AKA French Fry) who are both 13. Why do these pigs have nicknames? Well—pigs as special as these three have both formal as well as affectionate nicknames from their adoring animal keepers! All three of them came to Woodland Park Zoo together from Los Angeles Zoo in 2012 and each of their formal names reflects the Philippines origin of their species. Who doesn't love a good snack! Nom nom! Photo: Lindsay Wesselmann/Woodland Park Zoo In the wild, Visa