Posted by Kirsten Pisto, Communications
This spring, we asked you all to show your love for Uzumma's baby gorilla by sending a wish as part of our gorilla baby wish book project. We received more than 100 digital entries, which we'll share with gorilla keepers, Kitoko's animal health care team and zoo staff. There were so many wonderful entries, and heartfelt wishes for little Kitoko and all endangered gorillas.
Kitoko with mom, Uzumma. Photo by Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren/Woodland Park Zoo. |
Kitoko update: The little gorilla
is back with his troop and spending some time outdoors. Depending on your luck, you may see him during your next zoo visit and you can share your wishes for endangered gorillas with Kitoko himself.
Winners of the gorilla wish book coloring contest are... Please show these artists some love!
Adult (13 years or older)
Grand Prize Winner is Camryn, age 14, with an incredible painting of Kitoko and Uzumma. Camryn, you absolutely outdid yourself!
Camryn Morris, Wishes for a Baby Gorilla, Acrylic on canvas, 2020. |
Runner up is Dallas with a delightfully colorful and detailed gorilla and fruit landscape we're sure Kitoko would approve of.
Dallas Crow, Wishes for a Baby Gorilla artwork, 2020. |
Kid (Age 8-12)
Grand Prize Winner is Fianna, age 10, with a very colorful and creative wish for Kitoko.
Fianna, age 10, Wishes for a Baby Gorilla 2020. |
Runner up is Molly with a perfectly banana-themed wish and an inspiring promise to "always try to protect the environment."
Molly's wish for baby Kitoko, 2020. |
Kid (Age 2-7)
Grand Prize Winner is Anina, age 5, with a perfectly placed heart and a promise to "be kind to gorillas." (We also love those palms!)
Anina Mithun, age 5, Wishes for Baby Gorilla, 2020. |
Runner up is Elouise, age 6, with a fantastic text treatment of Kitoko's name, so cool!
Elouise, age 6, Wishes for a Baby Gorilla, 2020. |
If you're inspired by these artists and want to do more for endangered gorillas, like baby Kitoko, here are three ways you can take action!
A curious Kitoko hangs with mom, Uzumma. Photo by Jeremy Dwyer-Lindgren/Woodland Park Zoo. |
Celebrate Uzumma’s first baby with a symbolic animal adoption in her name! Adopt now and help fund conservation programs and the daily care and feeding of our gorilla baby, mom Uzumma and all zoo inhabitants.
Adopt a Gorilla Today!
Recycling cell phones with ECO-CELL helps save Gorillas! Woodland Park Zoo is proud to partner with ECO-CELL to recycle e-waste responsibly. In 2018, we collected and recycled 270lbs of electronics donated by visitors like you!
Learn more about ECO-CELL
Are you more of a Yola or an Akenji? Take this quiz and we'll tell you which member of Kwame's group matches your personality.
Take the quiz, then share your results on social and ask your network to learn a thing or two about gorillas.
Remember to check out for the latest news and stories about little Kitoko and his troop! Thanks to all the amazing artists who entered our gorilla wish book contest, we can't wait to share the complete baby wish book with our dedicated gorilla keepers and zoo family.
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