Yesterday we found a baby Tyrannosaurus rex stowed away with some other dinosaurs that arrived to be installed in our new “Dinosaurs. Real Close.” exhibit. With its mother following behind in the next truck not expected to arrive for another full day, we thought we’d take Li’l T out on the town for some sightseeing and adventure.
My Travels
Posted by: Li’l T, appearing in “Dinosaurs. Real Close.” opening April 30

The folks at Woodland Park Zoo were kind enough to take me on a tour of their town yesterday. I got the full Seattle experience with gray skies and rain, but that didn’t get in the way of my travels. Trust me, the Late Cretaceous was a much harsher climate.
I took a ton of photos on my adventure and want to share some favorites with you. My trip started downtown…
Oh, cool!
Nom nom nom. Your architecture is delicious,
Oh hey, it’s the Mariners. I know those guys: Mosasaur. Plesiosaur. Ichthyosaur. Great roster.

I wonder what mermaids taste like?

If you stacked 14 brachiosaurs one on top of the other, you’d reach the height of the Space Needle (good luck getting the brachiosaurs to balance, though). I wonder how many Cylons you’d have to stack?
EXTREME CLOSE UP! Stopped for some sushi at Uwajimaya. Makes a good first lunch. But what’s for second lunch?
Mmmm, second lunch. Did you know chickens are one of my closest living relatives? (So don’t tell them what I ate today, please).

Mmmm, third lunch...tasty students. Nah, just kidding! I bet the students staring out their classroom window thought they were daydreaming me. Ha! My work is done for the day.
Back at the zoo now. I just got a chill thinking about the look mom’s going to give me for taking off like that!
Ooh, looks like my mom just rolled in so I guess my little adventure is over for now. Boy, does SHE look mad! (Actually, she kind of always looks like that.)
Well, I had a blast checking out my new town and I think I’m going to like it here this summer—even with mom around breathing down my neck. Maybe I won’t see you out on the streets again, but I hope to see you at the zoo soon!
Li'l T
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