Posted by: Rebecca Whitham, Communications
Here’s your chance to get more involved in the zoo blog!
We dedicate a lot of blog space to telling you our inside scoop on the zoo. But we know that you all have some great scoop too. Our members and frequent visitors know some of the best tips for making the most of the Woodland Park Zoo experience. You know the best times to go, the preferred picnic areas, the prime parking spots, the best exhibits for kids, the classes you can't miss, the tastiest menu items and so much more.
Here’s your chance to get more involved in the zoo blog!
We dedicate a lot of blog space to telling you our inside scoop on the zoo. But we know that you all have some great scoop too. Our members and frequent visitors know some of the best tips for making the most of the Woodland Park Zoo experience. You know the best times to go, the preferred picnic areas, the prime parking spots, the best exhibits for kids, the classes you can't miss, the tastiest menu items and so much more.

(Here's a tip posted by Kiki on May 10, 2010: “Best time to go is first thing in the morning. If you’re lucky, you’ll catch the keepers crossing the giraffes from the barns into the savanna, which gets you really close up to the animals.”)
Now we’ve created a section of this blog dedicated to your best tips. You can give a tip or get a tip under our new “Zoo visitor tips” tab located in the sub-header of our blog. Just click on that tab (or this link) and post a comment to leave a tip or browse for some tips you can use on a future visit.
This section will get better the more people use it, the more people share it, and the more it grows. So help us get it started by adding your tips today. Thanks!
Photo by Ryan Hawk/Woodland Park Zoo.
Julia, Burke Museum
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