Posted by: Ryan Hawk, Photographer
The first Chilean flamingo chick born at Woodland Park Zoo continues to grow and develop. Its big legs, loud squawks, and fuzzy/downy white feathers make this little guy unique. (Seen here in the tub of water at 1 week old.)

Now 2 weeks old, the chick has been introduced to water, as well as to solid foods in the form of a slurry which it has already learned to filter feed from.
The chick is currently off public view.
Photos by Ryan Hawk
The first Chilean flamingo chick born at Woodland Park Zoo continues to grow and develop. Its big legs, loud squawks, and fuzzy/downy white feathers make this little guy unique. (Seen here in the tub of water at 1 week old.)

Now 2 weeks old, the chick has been introduced to water, as well as to solid foods in the form of a slurry which it has already learned to filter feed from.

The chick is currently off public view.
Photos by Ryan Hawk
Since we're handraising the chicks, it will be a few months before the birds are big and hardy enough to join the flock. We might be looking at Nov-Dec, unless the weather poses a problem.
We'll try to post updates as often as we can so you can follow along as they grow up behind the scenes!
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