Posted by: Rebecca Whitham, Communications
Artists are invited to paint, embellish and decorate 22-inch fabricated penguins by the end of May. Penguins on the March will be unveiled at the Space Needle in early June. The artist decorated penguins will migrate throughout Seattle neighborhoods (including Fremont and Ballard) landing at The Greenwood Collective during the July 10th monthly art walk for a silent auction to benefit the zoo’s field conservation projects.
The call for artists has begun, and online and email artist submission will be open through April 30th. Here's how to enter:
In-person Submissions: The Greenwood Collective (8537 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle)
Online Submissions:
Email Submissions:

We are really excited about a new project. Woodland Park Zoo and The Greenwood Collective are inviting artists of all experience levels to participate in Penguins on the March, a community art project designed to celebrate the zoo’s new penguin exhibit, spotlight Seattle’s arts community and benefit Woodland Park Zoo’s field conservation projects around the world.

The call for artists has begun, and online and email artist submission will be open through April 30th. Here's how to enter:
In-person Submissions: The Greenwood Collective (8537 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle)
Online Submissions:
Email Submissions:
For more information, contact or call (206) 913-2835.
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