If it weren't thrilling enough when our latest western lowland gorilla was born in October, now the entire community gets the opportunity to help name her!
The now 4-month-old gorilla has been through quite a bit, when a congenital defect called for surgery to correct. Thanks to a team of physicians from Seattle's Children Hospital, she's now right as rain and ready for a name.
In cooperation with Ivar's and Kidd Valley restaurants, we're looking for a name that derives from the languages of their origin countries. In this case, names of Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa and Swahili languages are the suggested sources. It's not too hard to discover appropriate names: simply go online and type in "Yoruba language", etc., in any search engine, or visit your local library and find dictionaries for those languages. Then visit any Western Washington Ivar's or Kidd Valley restaurant to pick up and fill in an entry form. The contest runs from March 2 through March 23.
Visit www.zoo.org/gorilla_naming for complete rules and to download an entry form, or pick one up at your favorite Kidd Valley or Ivar's. (Photo by Ryan Hawk)
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