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About the Blog
No day is ever the same at Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo. We created this blog to connect you with all the exciting happenings at the zoo—from behind-the-scenes animal updates to upcoming events and even news from the field on our conservation efforts across the globe.

If you are looking for general zoo information including hours, prices and directions, animal fact sheets, or education program registration, visit our main website at

Comment Guidelines
We’d love to hear from you. Share your thoughts in the comments section enabled on each blog post. A few things to keep in mind to keep this a constructive and family-friendly space:

Please be respectful and keep on topic in threads; we moderate comments to keep this a positive, constructive space.

You are always welcome to share your thoughts, but please do not monopolize the conversation by reposting content on one or more threads, posting links with no constructive commentary, or self-promoting your own website, Facebook page or other online presence; we may hide or delete repetitive or non-constructive posts and will certainly flag any SPAM.

Comments will be monitored for appropriateness, and may be removed if they are off topic, inflammatory, aggressive, discriminatory, harmfully misleading or otherwise destructive to the community. We do not tolerate personal attacks.

Comments not in line with these guidelines may be subject to non-approval or deletion by a blog manager.

Due to the volume of SPAM, comments on posts older than 14 days old are moderated and will appear after being reviewed by a blog manager.

If you want to reply to a blog post or topic privately, you are welcome to send an email to to share your thoughts.

Blog Authors
A diverse group of writers from Woodland Park Zoo staff and conservation partners in the field contributes to this blog. Here you’ll find behind-the-scenes scoop from the voices of zookeepers, educators, conservationists, gardeners, communicators, interpreters and more.

Editor: Rebecca Whitham, Associate Director, Digital Communications

About the Zoo
Located in Seattle, Washington, Woodland Park Zoo is a non-profit institution, serving as a cherished community resource and unique urban oasis for more than 100 years. Our mission is to save animals and their habitats through conservation leadership and engaging experiences, inspiring people to learn, care and act. The zoo encompasses 92 acres and features more than 1,000 individual animals representing nearly 300 species.